Design and production of electronic boards and systems.

Effective solutions for industry-specific applications.


Electronic power and control systems

AeRRevi offers complete supply of the project, including study, industrialization and development of working prototypes, and preparation of the complete documentation.

We offer also the production of samples, or small and medium series, of electronic boards of any type for civil and industrial applications.

Our purpose is to follow the entire product development from the idea to the realization of the product, ready to market.

8-32 bit industrial microprocessor controls for automation; programmable logic CPLD, PAL

Control systems for industrial machines with MMI interface, sensor control, axis control.

Special power supplies, high voltage and current drivers for welding, laser, motion control.

RFID technology: identification and tracking applications.

Serial communication, USB, SPI, I2C, GMS, LAN, Internet.

Renewable energy management and energy storage application.

Small and medium series productions.